Just Toolbox 02: 随机Token生成器及系统随机数生成原理

2024年7月22日 · 3 months ago

Just Toolbox 是基于SwiftUI开发的,运行在iPhone, iPad, watchOS, macOS和visionOS的免费的App。App涉及到的Tool实现我会在github和这里以文章的形式开源代码及讲述实现原理。如果大家对本系列感兴趣的话,欢迎在App Store下载 支持。


@State private var uppercaseEnabled = true
@State private var numbersEnabled = true
@State private var lowercaseEnabled = true
@State private var symbolsEnabled = false
@State private var length = 64

func createToken() -> String {
    let uppercase = uppercaseEnabled ? "ABCDEFGHIJKLMOPQRSTUVWXYZ" : ""
    let lowercase = lowercaseEnabled ? "abcdefghijklmopqrstuvwxyz" : ""
    let numbers = numbersEnabled ? "0123456789" : ""
    let symbols = symbolsEnabled ? ".,;:!?./-\"'#{([-|\\@)]=}*+" : ""

    let originStr = (uppercase + lowercase + numbers + symbols)
    let shuffledStr = String(repeating: originStr, count: length / originStr.count + 1).shuffled
    let endIndex = shuffledStr.index(shuffledStr.startIndex, offsetBy: length)
    return String(shuffledStr[..<endIndex])


extension RangeReplaceableCollection {
    var shuffled: Self {
        var elements = self
        return elements.shuffleInPlace()

    mutating func shuffleInPlace() -> Self {
        indices.forEach {
            let subSequence = self[$0...$0]
            let index = indices.randomElement()!
            replaceSubrange($0...$0, with: self[index...index])
            replaceSubrange(index...index, with: subSequence)
        return self
    func choose(_ n: Int) -> SubSequence { return shuffled.prefix(n) }


那么Swift的randomElement()又是如何实现的呢?它的源码在: https://github.com/swiftlang/swift/blob/ac0f574fdb9d9bbaa6a60a4815c5e20c051604ac/stdlib/public/core/Collection.swift#L954

/// Returns a random element of the collection.
/// Call `randomElement()` to select a random element from an array or
/// another collection. This example picks a name at random from an array:
///     let names = ["Zoey", "Chloe", "Amani", "Amaia"]
///     let randomName = names.randomElement()!
///     // randomName == "Amani"
/// This method is equivalent to calling `randomElement(using:)`, passing in
/// the system's default random generator.
/// - Returns: A random element from the collection. If the collection is
///   empty, the method returns `nil`.
/// - Complexity: O(1) if the collection conforms to
///   `RandomAccessCollection`; otherwise, O(*n*), where *n* is the length
///   of the collection.
public func randomElement() -> Element? {
var g = SystemRandomNumberGenerator()
return randomElement(using: &g)


  • Apple platforms use arc4random_buf(3).
  • Linux platforms use getrandom(2) when available; otherwise, they read from /dev/urandom.
  • Windows uses BCryptGenRandom.

我们看看Apple platforms的实现arc4random_buf,它的实现是FreeBSD项目中Libc里,源码在这里:

arc4random_buf(void *_buf, size_t n)
    u_char *buf = (u_char *)_buf;
    int did_stir = 0;


    while (n--) {
        if (arc4_check_stir())
            did_stir = 1;
        buf[n] = arc4_getbyte();

    if (did_stir)
        /* stirring used up our data pool, we need to read in new data outside of the lock */
        rs_data_available = 1;


static void
    int done, fd;
    // 下面这个RANDOMDEV是
    // #define  RANDOMDEV   "/dev/random"
    fd = _open(RANDOMDEV, O_RDONLY, 0);
    done = 0;
    if (fd >= 0) {
        if (_read(fd, &rdat, KEYSIZE) == KEYSIZE)
            done = 1;
    if (!done) {
        (void)gettimeofday(&rdat.tv, NULL);
        rdat.pid = getpid();
        /* We'll just take whatever was on the stack too... */

操作系统会从/dev/random这个设备获取熵源,这是典型的Unix-like OS的实现,另一个设备是/dev/urandom,在苹果的操作系统中,这两个的实现没有区别。

早期系统实现是从硬件收集各种熵源(entropy source),然后使用加密算法(比如ChaCha20)加密存储。苹果可能从2019年或更早就它们的算法切到Fortuna,使用的熵源包括(原文地址):

看起来这里面最厉害的还是iPhone 5s时代推出的安全专属硬件Secure Enclave处理器。一般我们应用随机数结果的地方,像上面的Token就是用来做校验的。如果攻击者知道随机种子是什么,那么伪随机生成的结果就是固定的,他就可以推测随机结果,通过Token校验。苹果采用的硬件级真随机熵源就能很好应对这种攻击。